Is the corona Indian variant more dangerous than wave 1? – Here is the detailed analysis

Covid-19 second wave in India continues to spread fast, crossing two lakh daily infections recently. With this, India has recorded the second-highest number of daily cases in the world, surpassing Brazil. The B1.617 Indian “double mutant” strain of the Chinese virus carries E484Q and L452R Spike mutations that purportedly render it more transmissible and prone to immune evasion. Many say Corona Vaccine is considered risky- myth explained here
A comparison between both the waves
- More than 70% of hospitalized patients belonged to >40 years of age in both the waves.
- A marginally higher proportion of younger individuals (0-19 year and 20-40 year) were recorded among hospitalized patients in the face of opening up activities
- A higher proportion of hospitalized patients in the second wave presented with breathlessness.
- A higher requirement of supplemental oxygen is noted in the second wave.
- The proportion of death was similar to both waves.
Vaccine effect on the Indian Variant
ICMR-NIV has recently been successful in isolating and culturing the double mutant strain B.1.617 SARS-CoV-2 identified in certain regions of India and several other countries. In simple words, COVAXIN has been found to effectively neutralize the double mutant strain as well. Though the Covid-19 experience shows wave 2 has a higher intensity than the first wave, the presence of vaccine makes so much difference. Another positive news is that India is the Fastest Country to Administer 13 Crore Doses of Corona Vaccine within 95 Days. Let’s acknowledge the second wave is by volunteering with strict prevention of crowds of all sorts in every possible way. Remember, Approved COVID-19 vaccines provide a high degree of protection against getting seriously ill and dying from the disease. Hurry up, it’s time to take care of ourselves. Find the COVID Vaccination Hospitals in India here
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